Latest articles
- Axiology Game (2024)
English: Axiology Game
Spanish: El juego de la axiología - Digital computers are also analog machines (2024)
English: Digital computers are also analog machines
Spanish: Los computadores digitales son también máquinas analógicas - Political analogies in computer science and evolutionary theory (2024)
English: Political analogies in computer science and evolutionary theory
Spanish: Analogías políticas en las ciencias de la computación y en la teoría de la evolución - Illustration of the incompatibility between epiphenomenalism and the evolutionary value of motivation due to subjective experiences, such as pleasure and pain (2024)
English: Illustration of the incompatibility between epiphenomenalism and the evolutionary value of motivation due to subjective experiences, such as pleasure and pain
Spanish: Ilustración de la incompatibilidad entre el epifenomenalismo y el valor evolutivo de la motivación debida a las experiencias subjetivas, como el placer y el dolor
- Turtle shield: A shield against torture (2024)
English: Turtle shield: A shield against torture
Spanish: Turtle shield: Un escudo contra la tortura - An uncomfortable debate about the scientific method (2024)
English: An uncomfortable debate about the scientific method
Spanish: Un incómodo debate sobre el método científico - Suffering eliminativism (2024)
English: Suffering eliminativism
Spanish: Eliminativismo del sufrimiento - How to escape from reality? (2023)
English: How to escape from reality?
Spanish: ¿Cómo escapar de la realidad? - Where are social organizations headed? (2023)
English: Where are social organizations headed?
Spanish: ¿Hacia dónde se dirigen las organizaciones sociales? - Different ways to prevent or reduce suffering (2022)
English: Different ways to prevent or reduce suffering
Spanish: Distintas formas de prevenir o reducir el sufrimiento - “Peter Pan” organizations and “Virus” organizations (2020)
English: “Peter Pan” organizations and “Virus” organizations
Spanish: Organizaciones “Peter Pan” y organizaciones “Virus” - Wonderful Robot 7723 (Next gen) (2020)
English: Wonderful Robot 7723 (Next gen)
Spanish: La genialidad de Robot 7723 (Next gen) - Measurement of the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at alleviating and preventing intense suffering (2022)
English: Measurement of the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at alleviating and preventing intense suffering
Spanish: Medida de la efectividad de las iniciativas orientadas al alivio y la prevención del sufrimiento intenso - How to represent the intuition that there are different categories of suffering?
English: How to represent the intuition that there are different categories of suffering?
Spanish: ¿Cómo representar la intuición de que hay distintas categorías de sufrimiento? - Chicken and pigs burned and boiled alive in Europe and USA
English: Chicken and pigs burned and boiled alive in Europe and USA - What can I do to prevent my own intense suffering?
English: What can I do to prevent my own intense suffering?
Spanish: ¿Qué puedo hacer para prevenir mi propio sufrimiento intenso? - On whom does the burden of proof fall? (2022)
English: On whom does the burden of proof fall?
Spanish: ¿Sobre quién recae la carga de la prueba? - Mortem Tirana – Hypothesis Mass
English: Mortem Tirana – Hypothesis Mass
Spanish: Hypothesis Mass, por Mortem Tirana - Foundations of the scientific method
English: Foundations of the scientific method
Spanish: Fundamentos del método científico - What can I do to prevent intense suffering?
English: What can I do to prevent intense suffering?
Spanish: ¿Qué puedo hacer para prevenir el sufrimiento intenso? - Psychological biases that impede the success in the reducing intense suffering movement
English: Psychological biases that impede the success in the reducing intense suffering movement
Spanish: Sesgos psicológicos que impiden el éxito del movimiento por la reducción del sufrimiento intenso - Another argument against Occam’s razor
English: Another argument against Occam’s razor
Spanish: Otro argumento contra la navaja de Ockham - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Spanish: Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) - On Theories Of Sentience: A Talk With Magnus Vinding
English: On Theories Of Sentience: A Talk With Magnus Vinding
Spanish: Teorías de la sintiencia: una charla con Magnus Vinding - A quick summary on Sentient Platonism
English: A quick summary on Sentient Platonism
Spanish: Un rápido resumen sobre el platonismo de la sintiencia - A quick summary on Paneudaimonia
English: A quick summary on Paneudaimonia
Spanish: Un rápido resumen sobre la Paneudaimonia - A formula to calculate the ability of an object to feel
English: A formula to calculate the ability of an object to feel
Spanish: Una fórmula para calcular la capacidad de sentir de un objeto - Values, axiology and saved lives
English: Values, axiology and saved lives
Spanish: Valores, axiología y vidas salvadas - Is there more suffering than enjoyment in nature?
English: Is there more suffering than enjoyment in nature?
Spanish: ¿Hay más sufrimiento que disfrute en la naturaleza? - How to demonstrate sentience? (2019)
English: How to demonstrate sentience?
Spanish: ¿Como demostrar la sintiencia? - What are the different types of elements that constitute reality in its most essential aspect? (2019)
English: What are the different types of elements that constitute reality in its most essential aspect?
Spanish: ¿Cuáles son los diferentes tipos de elementos que constituyen la realidad en su aspecto más esencial? - AI (Artificial Intelligence) human values alignment scenarios
English: AI (Artificial Intelligence) human values alignment scenarios
Spanish: Escenarios de alineamiento de la AI (Inteligencia Artificial) - Who wants to destroy the world?
English: Who wants to destroy the world?
Spanish: ¿Quién quiere destruir el mundo? - NU / SFE vs CU debates in EA
English: NU / SFE vs CU debates in EA - Disadvantages of the measures
English: Disadvantages of the measures
Spanish: Inconvenientes de hacer mediciones - Simulation of pleasure and orgasm
English: Simulation of pleasure and orgasm
Spanish: Simulación de placer y orgasmo - Experiments with human beings
English: Experiments with human beings
Spanish: Experimentos con seres humanos - Healing disease? Or alleviating suffering?
English: Healing disease? Or alleviating suffering?
Spanish: De la curación de la enfermedad al cuidado de la salud - Why I think we should seriously consider the possibility that sentience and motivation play no role in evolution
English: Why I think we should seriously consider the possibility that sentience and motivation play no role in evolution
Spanish: Por qué creo que debemos considerar seriamente la posibilidad de que la sintiencia y la motivación no jueguen ningún papel en la evolución - Asymmetries and compensations between pleasure and pain (2019)
English: Asymmetries and compensations between pleasure and pain
Spanish: Asimetrías y compensaciones entre placer y dolor - The principle of stability, inertia and recurrence (2019)
English: The principle of stability, inertia and recurrence
Spanish: El principio de estabilidad, inercia y recurrencia - About evidence
English: About evidence
Spanish: Sobre las evidencias - Opportunities for an astronomical reduction of suffering (2019)
English: Opportunities for an astronomical reduction of suffering
Spanish: Oportunidades para una reducción astronómica del sufrimiento - Why is the sentience of machines morally relevant?
Spanish: ¿Por qué es moralmente relevante la sintiencia de las máquinas? - About violence and punishment
English: About violence and punishment
Spanish: Sobre la violencia y el castigo - Types of suffering based on their uncertainty (2019)
English: Types of suffering based on their uncertainty
English: Tipos de sufrimiento en función de su incertidumbre - The irrelevance of the objective world (2019)
English: The irrelevance of the objective world
Spanish: La irrelevancia del mundo objetivo - Three solutions for the hard problems of sentience (2019)
English: Three solutions for the hard problems of sentience
Spanish: Tres soluciones para los problemas difíciles de la sintiencia - Reasons for and against cryonics and immortality
English: Reasons for and against cryonics and immortality
Spanish: Razones a favor y en contra de la criónica y la inmortalidad - Thoughts on negative utilitarianism
English: Thoughts on negative utilitarianism
Spanish: Reflexiones sobre el utilitarismo negativo - Future suffering
English: Future suffering
Spanish: Sufrimiento futuro - On animal experimentation
English: On animal experimentation
Spanish: Sobre la experimentación con animales - Reasoning with analogies and coffee stir sticks: Can robots feel?
English: Reasoning with analogies and coffee stir sticks: Can robots feel?
Spanish: Razonando con analogías y palitos de café: ¿los robots pueden sentir? - How and why quantum computers
English: How and why quantum computers
Spanish: Ordenadores cuánticos: cómo y por qué - Stuff that repels the attention
English: Stuff that repels the attention
Spanish: Cosas que repelen la atención
Pусский: Вещи, которые отталкивают внимание - Humanism
English: Humanism
Spanish: Humanismo - Does god exist?
English: Does god exist?
Spanish: ¿Dios existe? - The rules of creativity: generic techniques to solve problems (2019)
English: The Rules of Creativity: Generic Techniques for Solving Problems and Producing Creative Works
Spanish: Las reglas de la creatividad: técnicas genéricas para resolver problemas y producir obras creativas - Why to focus on reducing intense suffering?
English: Why to focus on reducing intense suffering?
Spanish: ¿Por qué enfocarse en reducir el sufrimiento intenso?
Pусский: Зачем фокусироваться на уменьшении интенсивного страдания? - A map of theories, approaches and paradigms related to consciousness, sentience and identity (2018)
English: A map of theories, approaches and paradigms related to consciousness, sentience and identity
Spanish: Un mapa de teorías, enfoques y paradigmas relacionados con la consciencia, la sintiencia y la identidad - A map of metaphysical theories of sentience (2015)
English: A map of metaphysical theories of sentience
Spanish: Un mapa de las teorías metafísicas de la sintiencia - The incomprehension of mental suffering
English: The incomprehension of mental suffering
Spanish: La incomprensión del sufrimiento mental - Assessment of transhumanism and technology from an effective altruism perspective based on hedonism
English: Assessment of transhumanism and technology from an effective altruism perspective based on hedonism
Spanish: Valoración del transhumanismo y la tecnología desde una perspectiva de altruismo eficaz basado en el hedonismo - Empty, Open and Closed Individualism
English: Empty, Open and Closed Individualism
Spanish: Individualismo Vacío, Abierto y Cerrado - Metaphors of Empty Individualism
English: Metaphors of Empty Individualism
Spanish: Metáforas del Individualismo Vacío - Metaphors of Open Individualism
English: Metaphors of Open Individualism
Spanish: Metáforas del Individualismo Abierto - Simulation of philosophical hypotheses about sentience: a system for understanding and assessment of metaphysical theories of sentience (2018)
English: Simulation of philosophical hypotheses about sentience: a system for understanding and assessment of metaphysical theories of sentience
Spanish: Simulación de hipótesis filosóficas sobre la sintiencia: un sistema para comprender y evaluar teorías metafísicas de la sintiencia - The origin of selfishness
English: The origin of selfishness
Spanish: El origen del egoísmo - Existential biases
English: Existential biases
Spanish: Sesgos existenciales - Interests, preferences, pain and suffering
English: Interests, preferences, pain and suffering
Spanish: Intereses, preferencias, dolor y sufrimiento - The big lie (2017). A collaboration in the world’s first magazine on antinatalism: “The Antinatalism Magazine”, vol. 1, September, 2017. (Jiwoon Hwang, Ed.)
English: The big lie [Amazon Paperback] [Amazon Kindle Edition]
Spanish: La gran mentira
French: Le grand mensonge at L’Amorce – Revue contre le spécisme. Translation by Isabelle Gélinas. Edited by Axelle Playoust-Braure and Amanda Sukenick. - Paneudaimonia: making plausible the idea of a happy universe, plus a technique to quit smoking (2017)
English: Paneudaimonia: making plausible the idea of a happy universe, plus a technique to quit smoking
Spanish: Spanish: Paneudaimonia: haciendo plausible la idea de un universo feliz, más una técnica para dejar de fumar - How to recognize sentience? (2018)
English: How to recognize sentience?
Spanish: ¿Cómo reconocer la sintiencia? - Implications of a plausible Sentience Platonism in the prevention of suffering (2017)
English: Implications of a plausible Sentience Platonism in the prevention of suffering [PDF]
Spanish: Implicaciones de un plausible platonismo de la sintiencia en la prevención del sufrimiento [PDF] - Sentience platonism (2017)
English: Sentience platonism [PDF] [Academia]
Spanish: Platonismo sentiente [PDF] [Academia] - Symmetry between emergentism and immersionism (2016)
English: Symmetry between emergentism and immersionism
Spanish: Simetría entre emergentismo e inmersionismo - Patterns, coherence, and the strange spaces of sentiocentrism
English: Patterns, coherence, and the strange spaces of sentiocentrism
Spanish: Patrones, coherencia y los lugares extraños del sensocentrismo - The radio metaphor explanation in the description of reality and subjectivity (2014)
English: The radio metaphor explanation in the description of reality and subjectivity
Spanish: Explicación de la metáfora de la radio en la descripción de la Realidad y la subjetividad - Five common mistakes in the interpretation of the concept of speciesism
English: Five common mistakes in the interpretation of the concept of speciesism
Spanish: Cinco errores comunes en la interpretación del concepto de especismo - How does it work the mechanism that ignores the sentience of non-human animals
English: How does it work the mechanism that ignores the sentience of non-human animals
Spanish: Cómo funciona el mecanismo que ignora la sintiencia de los animales no humanos - Ethics is a masquerade, the show must go on
English: Ethics is a masquerade, the show must go on
Spanish: La ética es una farsa, el espectáculo debe continuar
Other articles:
- Dic 2015 Liberalismo y consideración moral de los animales (2015)