Hypothesis Mass, por Mortem Tirana

English version

“Hypothesis Mass” es el nombre de una canción cuya letra fue escribí en 2011 para la banda de Death Metal Mortem Tirana.

La canción está inspirada en la idea panpsiquista de que todo objeto es sintiente, pero también incluye la idea de que el estado básico de la materia simple es el sufrimiento intenso, la cual evoluciona en estructuras más complejas en un intento de evitar ese sufrimiento. La idea puede resultar un poco deprimente, así que también desarrollé la hipótesis contraria.


Mortem Tirana – Hypothesis Mass

Descarga la canción aquí

Hypothesis: there’s no pleasure, only pain
This hypothesis: all living things have feelings, like you
But also, the matter has the same
Feelings than you and me
And it suffers, pain, helpless, and search deliverance
Hypothesis, Hypothesis Mass
space was created
spread of the time
life was emerged
All was made by mass!
To escape the pain
by the veil of self
It’s alive.
It’s not the worst.
Life conjures to kill the pain
Running across space, universe, and time
to generate the life, to save the mass
This is the reason why space was created
This is the reason why spread of the time
This is the reason why life was emerged
All was made by mass!
There’s only one being
There’s only one wish:
To escape the pain
The reality is hidden by the veil of self
It will never be stopped until everything is alive
experiences known are not the worst
the worst!
than reality of the inert
Life damned conjures the pain
Life conjures to kill the pain


Escucha otras canciones de Mortem Tirana:


La base musical de “Hypothesis Mass” fue posteriormente grabada como “Massacred“.


Sobre la canción Vampirized, escribí:

El mundo es hostil. El mayor engaño al que por fortuna, los padres someten a sus hijos, es que ellos se encargarán de todo, a sabiendas de que no será siempre así, y que algún día abandonarán al vástago a su suerte.

La madurez requiere de este descubrimiento, ante el cual el ser humano cabal reacciona en búsqueda de algún tipo de magia y fenómenos oscuros. ¿Dónde encontrar la verdad, si la luz que por siempre lo iluminó todo, ha sido capaz de tal farsa? Inundados de luz y de mentiras, la verdad sólo puede estar en lo que no se ve.

Con lágrimas en los ojos, el adolescente ha de abandonar el barco familiar herido de muerte, y salir en su propia búsqueda de la eternidad y la trascendencia. Borrarlo todo, purificarlo con el sagrado color negro, y empezar de nuevo.

Recapitulando, ¿qué puede hacer el joven que confía más en la oscuridad que en la luz, cuando siente que debe cambiar lo familiar por lo extraño, y que ante la certeza de su vulnerabilidad, busca con anhelo la vida eterna?

Sin duda, convertirse en vampiro.


Otras letras que escribí para Mortem Tirana:

My Name Is Death

I’m the one
who made nests
I’m the biggest Chef

The smartest part
of the recipe
The manager of the feature

I look at the sun
and secretly think
The same thing is you and me

Since the mankind
and sensitive beings
living in a pipe dream

And in the outbreak, when everything falls
The choice is made, and again, I’m the one who survives


Yes, It’s a sad
and poorly paid work
to hang around the gardens

Searching for
the best pure red colour
to calm my hunger basket

But this is my job
getting the best rose
making room for the lived

Forgive and forget
When I cut the rose
with my scissors annoying

How many times do I irrigate with my tears?
But there’s no choice just to say him goodbye

Don’t be afraid
Don’t break the oath
The chosen is chosen
Let them go!

Say him goodbye!



Tyranny Begins

The sky is broken
by winter screams
Names of the chosen
No chance to spring

Glad to take the challenge
To be stars
Bones of thy ancestors
Stronger walls

My feet walk alone
I took the right way
Approaching to the house of

With the boiling sweet blood
our brains condemned
signed at the garden
of Mortem Tirana

You do
step in.
Your wishes belongs to him

The beast
the undecided and the weak

Tyranny Begins!

I am only weapon
Against the crowd
Spirit of the fallen
boils my blood

Siren voices enchanted
No turning back
Spreading metal
against the crowd


Raise the Dead

This, man, is the price of fame
One door closes another opens
I chose a bed of nails
Instead of the erected forest

Hey, girl! Watch your steps
Don’t you know you like me so much
Although I spent my hours
sitting in the lotus posture

Don’t believe what they said
Don’t believe this of fucking liars
Don’t believe what they said
A snake between my legs it’s burning like fire
Don’t believe what they said
Don’t believe this fucking liars

Now the snake between my legs
Rise Now!
Listen what I said. I do it everywhere
and Now!
This is what I said, this is my decide
Listen what I said. I do it everywhere
and Now!
This is what I said, this is I

These blue pills rise
the dead!
Listen what I said, my place is everywhere
I’m wine // (I’m dead)
Listen what I said, I am desire
Listen what I said, my place is everywhere
I’m wine // (I’m dead)
This is what I am, I am desire // (I am done)

You better run
If I’m drunk
this time
with this black wine

I was an empty glass
But now
I become the wine

You better run
If I’m drunk
this time
with this blue pills

This empty glass
Is now, now!
angry tiger

Posted by Manu Herrán

Founder at Sentience Research. Associate at the Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS).

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