How to escape from reality?

Versión en Español

“Poetry is much more important than the truth, and, if you don’t believe that, try using the two methods to get laid.”

Mark Forsyth

How to escape from reality?

Cries, chants, music, epic tales, drugs, toys, painting, poetry, religion, sculpture, theatre, literature, radio, books, TV, photo novels, videogames, tamagotchi, 3D videogames, virtual reality, AI, NPCs, My Internet Identity, MII on autonomous agents, The hallucinations machine, Exoskeletons unlimited, The mule, Heaven corp, Digital Templars, Drogheda, Minds melting and merging, Mind dust, Darkness, Pseudo-eternity, God’s Design, Deep Death, Restart.

Virtual worlds.

Rationalisations are less than 50% of the ingredients of the recipe for a meaningful / happy life. Maybe because life has no purpose / meaning / happiness at all. It doesn’t matter. That’s not the way for personal happiness. Personal happiness / satisfaction must include irrational desires, irrational thoughts and irrational goals; intuition, imagination, false beliefs, infantilism, magic and fantasy.

A popular way to get them all at once is romantic sexual love, as the emotional relationship creates a unique and fabulous alternative reality, isolated from everything else, with its own language, its own history and its own geography.

Another one is politics. Teaching. Preaching. Being an influencer. Also, art. If you lack all of them, maybe football. If football doesn’t work either, from time to time you can drink wine to feel the magic.

“Lovers drink wine all day and night and tear the veils of the mind. When drunk with love’s wine, body, heart and soul become one.”

Videogames. Cartoons and toys if you are under-age. Discussing philosophy and artificial intelligence also helps. Magic. Whatever, but with magic.

There’s no paradise without magic. Poetry is better than truth.


Posted by Manu Herrán

Founder at Sentience Research. Associate at the Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS).

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