Why trying to commit suicide is a bad idea

Versión en Español

More than 300 million people in the world suffer from depression [1] and more than 800,000 commit suicide every year [2]. The number of suicide attempts is approximately 15 to 20 times higher than the number of completed suicides [3].

The non-institutionalized forms of suicide, in addition to having a very low effectiveness rate, vary between very painful and extremely painful (most). Suicide is usually very difficult and / or extremely painful. There are many myths about forms of suicide that people believe are painless and instantaneous when they are not. Most people who try to commit suicide do so at a time when they are particularly vulnerable and usually do poorly: they end up suffering much more than if they had not attempted suicide. It is not a good idea.

A person with a very painful and incurable mental disorder that can not be relieved will go through an existence in which the pattern is systematically suffer, make several suicide attempts, which can be very painful and can greatly damage their health, and continue to suffer for their mental problems indefinitely until he dies from successful suicide or other causes.

A person with a very painful and incurable mental disorder that can not be relieved, in a country where euthanasia is legal, and opts for it, dies without suffering, and finally stops suffering.

Fortunately, most mental disorders, including depression, are curable or can be relieved to the point of leading a satisfying life [4].

On the other hand, good mental health care is not only difficult to obtain, but unfortunately mental health professionals are not magicians and there is no guarantee that therapy or medication will solve the problem. And yet there is a good chance that there will be social discrimination and that the stigma of mental illness will harm professional, academic or family development plans. [5]

[1] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs369/es/

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/suicide/WHO-report.html

[3] https://www.msdmanuals.com/es-es/hogar/trastornos-de-la-salud-mental/conducta-suicida-y-autolesiva/conducta-suicida

[4] https://www.adamedtv.com/salud-mental/cinco-ideas-erroneas-acerca-de-la-enfermedad-mental-que-tenemos-que-desaprender/

[5] https://srconstantin.wordpress.com/2016/12/12/sane-thinking-about-mental-problems/

Related: The incomprehension of mental suffering


Posted by Manu Herrán

Founder at Sentience Research. Associate at the Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS).

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