Quick reference to translate large figures from English to Spanish

Versión en español

Humans in the world: 7×10^9

Spanish: “En 2011 se alcanzaron los 7.000 millones (7 millardos) de humanos en el mundo. En noviembre de 2017 se contabilizaron 7.350 millones”.

English: “In 2011, 7,000 million (7 billion) of humans were reached in the world. In November 2017, 7,350 million were recorded.”

Source: Wikipedia in English


Source: Wikipedia in Spanish



Number of neurons in the human brain: 86×10^9

Spanish: “Hay unos 86.000 millones de neuronas en el cerebro humano, de las cuales unos 16.000 millones están en la corteza cerebral”.

English: “There are about 86 billion neurons in human brain, of which about 16 billion are in the cerebral cortex.”

Source: Wikipedia in English



Land animals farmed (and killed) for food every year: 70×10^9

Spanish: “Cada año se matan más de 70 mil millones de animales terrestres de granja para consumo”.

English: “Every year, more than 70 billion land animals are farmed (and killed) for food.”

Source: Sentience Politics



Fish caught every year: between 0.97×10^12 and 2.7×10^12

Spanish: “Entre 0,97 y 2,7 billones de peces (es decir, entre 970.000.000.000 y 2.700.000.000.000 peces) son capturados en su medio natural cada año en todo el mundo”.

English: “Between 0.97 and 2.7 trillion fish (ie 970,000,000,000 to 2,700,000,000,000) are caught from the wild globally each year.”

Source: FishCount



Insects: between 1×10^18 and 10×10^18

Spanish: “La población mundial de insectos se estima en alrededor de 1 a 10 trillones (aproximadamente mil millones de insectos por cada humano)”.

English: “The world population of insects is estimated at around 1 to 10 billion billion — about a billion insects for every human.”

Source: Reducing Suffering





Posted by Manu Herrán

Founder at Sentience Research. Associate at the Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS).

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