
“It’s not the job of a university, or a university president, to validate your opinions or to tell students or faculty members what to think about the issues of the day. On the contrary, it is my job to ensure that people on this campus —including all of you— have the freedom to say what they think. It is also my job to encourage you to engage with, and to learn from, others who think differently than you.” –Princeton University’s president, Christopher Eisgruber.

Experience and areas of expertise:

  • UC3M: Writing and Communication Skills, scientific methods, persuasion, negotiation.
  • IMMUNE: Computer Science, Mathematical foundations of algorithms.
  • UAX: Data Science, Python, SQL, R, Hadoop, Spark, Business Intelligence, Power BI, Operations Research, Deep Learning, Big Data.
  • OKTÉ: Python, R Language, web development PHP, Business Intelligence, Operations research, Deep Learning, Big Data, Power BI, Power Platform, Dynamics 365 CRM ERP, Hadoop, Spark, LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, Perl, MySQL), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, CMS, VBA, SOAP, XML, REST, JSON, NumPy SymPy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, keras, tensorflow, pytorch, Scikit-learn.
  • UD: Oracle Databases, Computer design.


Ejercicios resueltos IO:
