Photo: Group of men who were test subjects in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments
We live in times when painful and harmful experiments with human beings are mostly illegal and morally reprobated, being now something almost unthinkable. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case and we have terrible and heartbreaking well-documented evidence of a multitude of experiments with human beings at least between 1840 and 1974.
This is a list of cases of human torture and experimentation. Dates were taken from:
1840 enslaved African women
1846 slaves Virginia
1874 Irish woman
1895 New York City pediatrician
1906 Harvard University Filipino prisoners
1906 U.S. Army doctors, Philippines
1908 Philadelphia researchers
1909 two children
1911 146 hospital patients
1913 San Quentin Prison
1932 Japan
1932 Tuskegee University
1933 involuntary sterilization
1940 Nazi human experimentation
1940 United Kingdom
1941 Nazi human experimentation
1941 University of Michigan,
1941 twelve-month-old baby
1942 Harvard University 64 Massachusetts prisoners
1942 Nazi human experimentation
1943 Nazi human experimentation
1944 Mindanao Japan
1945 Mindanao Japan
1946 Guatemala
1946 University of Chicago
1947 Guatemala
1947 University of Rochester
1947 plutonium, Manhattan Project
1948 Guatemala
1948 Guatemala prostitutes
1949 AEC
1950 200 female prisoners
1950 CIA Project Artichoke
1950 Medical College of Virginia
1950 U.S. Navy
1952 Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University
1952 Sloan-Kettering Institute
1952 prisoners at the Ohio State
1953 41 children
1953 CIA
1953 Project Chatter
1953 U.S. Army
1953 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
1953 premature babies
1953 the CIA’s Project MKULTRA
1954 Johns Hopkins Hospital
1954 the CIA’s Project QKHILLTOP
1955 Florida
1955 Sweden
1955 state of Georgia
1957 Massachusetts General Hospital
1957 atmospheric nuclear explosions in Nevada
1957 with funding from a CIA front organization
1960 Sonoma State Hospital
1962 AEC
1962 Utah State Prison
1962 researchers at the Laurel Children’s Center in Maryland
1963 Brooklyn hospital
1963 University of Washington 232 prisoners
1966 British anesthesiologist
1966 New York University
1966 U.S. Army New York City Subway
1967 pregnant women
1969 U.S. Army
1971 Department of Defense
1972 mentally disabled children
1973 Washington prisoners
1974 the Holmesburg Prison
As for other types of animals, unfortunately, painful and harmful experiments are systematically carried out with non-human animals.