Metaphors of Open Individualism

Versión en español

1. The drop and the sea (sufi symbolism)

The drop and the sea (sufi symbolism)

Source: Sentience platonism and Symmetry between emergentism and immersionism



2. The islands

The islands (1/2)

The islands (2/2)

Source: Sentience in machines



3. The hole in the cloth (the veil of the ego, Sufi symbolism)


The hole in the cloth (the veil of the ego, Sufi symbolism) (1/3)

The hole in the cloth (the veil of the ego, Sufi symbolism) (2/3)

The hole in the cloth (the veil of the ego, Sufi symbolism) (3/3)

Source: Sentience in machines



4. The radio metaphor

The radio metaphor

Source: The radio metaphor explanation in the description of reality and subjectivity



Posted by Manu Herrán

Founder at Sentience Research. Associate at the Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS).

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